At-Home Colon Cancer Tests: A Step Towards Equitable Prevention, Especially for Black Americans

At-Home Colon Cancer Tests: A Step Towards Equitable Prevention, Especially for Black Americans

Advancements in healthcare technology have revolutionized the way people monitor their well-being. At-home testing has become increasingly prevalent, covering a range of health concerns from food allergies to comprehensive assessments of various illnesses. Among these innovations, at-home testing for cancer has emerged, including tests for colorectal cancer, which can play a fundamental role in disease prevention, especially as its incidence rises among younger individuals. The untimely passing of actor Chadwick Boseman in 2020 shed light on the impact of colon cancer on younger demographics, particularly the Black population in America. This article delves into the significance of at-home colon cancer tests as a potential equalizer for communities facing a higher risk, with a focus on addressing disparities and providing early detection and treatment options.

Colon Cancer’s Disproportionate Impact on the Black Community

Colorectal cancer rates are alarmingly high among Black adults in the US. According to the American Cancer Society, African Americans are approximately 20% more likely to develop colorectal cancer and 40% more likely to succumb to it compared to other racial or ethnic groups. These staggering statistics emphasize the need for accessible and timely screening and early detection methods.

Dr. Narissa Joyner, a veteran Emergency Medical doctor in New York City, is acutely aware of the lack of access Black Americans face when dealing with colon cancer.

The Role of At-Home Colon Screening Tests

Recognizing the urgency to address the rising incidence of colorectal cancer, various companies have developed at-home colon screening tests. One such company, Mainz BioMed (MYNZ), aims to equalize access to these tests for communities with increasing cancer rates, particularly Black women. The incidence of cancer is declining among older populations, but for the younger demographic, it continues to rise. As a result, the recommended screening age for this cancer has been lowered from 50 to 45. Research suggests that access to high-quality screening and cancer care plays a crucial role in this disparity, rather than biological factors.

Bridging the Gap: Early Detection and Timely Screening

The key focus of at-home colon cancer tests is the early detection of cancer, which holds the potential to eliminate the disease and improve survival rates. Mainz BioMed’s CEO, Guido Baechler, emphasizes the importance of early identification, as survival rates are significantly higher when cancer is caught in its early stages. These tests are designed to be convenient and easy to access, bridging the gap in healthcare disparities by offering a proactive approach to cancer prevention.

How At-Home Colon Cancer Tests Work

At-home colon cancer tests function in two primary ways. The first method involves collecting small stool samples, which are then tested for the presence of blood—a typical testing method in the US for detecting later-stage cancer. The second aspect of the test assesses DNA mutations in three specific genes, identifying early-stage cancer risk if the genes show elevation. By combining these methods, the tests offer comprehensive and reliable cancer screening options.

Guido Baechler is the CEO of Mainz Biomed which produces an at-home colorectal cancer test. He hopes to bring testing to marginalized populations who otherwise would not have access.

A Path Towards Equality and Trust

Mainz BioMed emphasizes the importance of treating individuals equally through values of trust and transparency. By providing accessible and reliable at-home colon cancer tests, they aim to contribute to closing healthcare gaps and promoting equity in cancer prevention and treatment. These tests can act as a supplementary resource, empowering patients to take early action and seek appropriate treatment under the guidance of their primary healthcare provider.


At-home colon cancer tests have the potential to revolutionize cancer prevention and early detection, particularly for communities facing higher risks, such as Black Americans. By leveraging technological innovations, these tests offer an avenue for equitable access to healthcare and timely screening. While they may not entirely replace traditional screening methods, at-home tests can complement existing healthcare practices, providing an additional layer of protection and promoting early intervention when needed. As society strives for health equality, at-home colon cancer tests can be a promising step forward in narrowing healthcare disparities and saving lives.

Published byNick Betancourt
Nick Betancourt has been a leader in the public relations and communications industry for nearly two decades. With a background in journalism and a strong network of global luxury brands, he has seen firsthand the changes that have taken place in the PR space over the years.
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