Kazakhstan Emerges Key Player in New Western Oil & Gas Investments
By: Orhan Medaev, Kazakhstan Oil Gas Monitor; Kanat Shakut, Almaty (reprinted) & Vivian Salama Wallstreet...
6 min read
Kazakhstan Revamps Oil & Gas Regulations: Foreign Investors Benefit
By: Aslan EdrissovThe oil and gas industry is the core of Kazakhstan’s economy, and the current trend...
5 min read
Kazakhstan Ushers in New Oil Investment And Improves Its Oil & Gas Investment Laws
The oil and gas industry is the basis of Kazakhstan’s economy, and the current trend of higher oil prices...
4 min read
Investment Strategies in China: A Look at Jonathan Ronggang Zhang’s Approach to Business
Jonathan Ronggang Zhang has become a well-known figure in the legal world thanks to his successful representation...
3 min read
Expected Rise in Oil Demand Ushers New Chapter For Major Deals in Kazakhstan
Oil and gas investment is on the rise. Oil will rise back above $100 a barrel this year and may face...
7 min read
Prince Ugo Beke: A Leader with Vision for the Development of River State
Prince Ugo Beke is a prominent business leader and philanthropist from Nigeria who has made a significant...
4 min read
Leading the Way in Nuclear Innovation: Mr. Yu’s Vision for a Sustainable Energy Future
Energy is a vital part of our daily lives, powering our homes, businesses, and transportation.
6 min read
Happy New 2023 Year: Embrace AI For a Resilient Future
Happy New Year from PRAI!Now, as we move into the new year, PRAI encourages everyone to take a proactive...
2 min read